NEW DELHI: At 8am on Saturday, Malta-registered vessel ‘Milaha Ras Laffan’ docked at the Dhamra LNG (liquefied natural gas) import terminal in Odisha to deliver the first cargo of superchilled gas to the Rs 6,000 crore project built by Adani Total Pvt Ltd, an equal joint venture between the Ahmedabad-based conglomerate and French major TotalEnergies.
The berthing signalled opening of the national gas grid’s first eastern feeding point, needed for improving access for fuelling industrial growth — including reviving fertiliser plants — and building city gas services in the hinterland.
Dhamra, with annual capacity of 5 million tonne LNG, will be the main supply point for state-run GAIL’s ‘Urja Ganga’ pipeline, a key piece of infrastructure in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Purvoday (eastern revival) plan.