New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern puts quarantine-free travel with Australia on hold

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will announce within two weeks a date for quarantine-free travel with Australia, she said on Monday, despite mounting pressure from business to open borders with neighbouring countries. The government hopes to announce a start date on April 6, Ardern told a news conference, adding that while opening borders with […]

Udan Pradesh! Aviation sector takes flight in UP; Kushinagar, Ayodhya, Jewar airports add to state’s major infra upgrade

The aviation sector is all set to take flight in Uttar Pradesh, with three new international airports expected to be made operational in the next three years. While the Jewar international airport, which is coming up in the NCR region and is expected to be ready by 2023, will reduce congestion at the Delhi airport, […]

Wholesale power markets may be the linchpin of India-US cooperation on climate change and renewable energy integration

In February 2021, Prime Minister Modi’s first communique with American President Joe Biden has unsurprisingly catapulted climate change cooperation to the forefront of India-U.S. relations. The United States is looking to lead from the front on the issue, and hoping to regain credibility through partnerships with emerging economies like India to achieve the ambitious goals […]