The Border Roads Organisation (BRO), tasked with building and maintaining road networks along the frontiers, has set about breaking its own record of building the world’s highest motorable road in Ladakh, which is of immense strategic importance.
On August 15, it began construction of the Likaru-Mig La-Fukche road in south-eastern Ladakh, which touching at altitude of 19,400 feet will be higher than the Chishumle-Demchok road over the 19.024-foot-high Umling La.
“The works are being executed by BRO’s Project Himank based at Leh and the Border Roads Task Force responsible for the construction is headed by a woman officer, Col Ponung Doming,” Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhary, Director-General Border Roads, said during a visit to Chandigarh.