The South Western Railway (SWR) Monday said that the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) will conduct the inspection of newly laid double line between Sanvordem – Chandorgoa – Margao Section, a 15.64 Km stretch, as a part of doubling of the railway track between Tinaighat-Vasco-da-Gama in South Goa on September 23.
It also said that the motor trolley inspection of CRS will start from Sanvordem at 10:15 am and from Madgaon at 5:30 pm on September 23.“Public are hereby cautioned not to trespass the track,” the SWR added.
“Speed trial at 120 kmph will be conducted on newly laid doubling track from 17:30 hrs to 18:00 hrs from Madgaon to Sanvordem/Curchorem…” the SWR said.