NEW DELHI: SpiceJet on Monday reported a profit of Rs 205 crore in April-June, 2023, against a loss of Rs 789 crore in same period last fiscal. The airline simultaneously declared its delayed January-March, 2023, result with a profit of Rs 16.8 crore against a loss of Rs 457.9 crore in same period last fiscal. SpiceJet has lost Rs 1,503 crore in FY 23, against a loss of Rs 1,725.4 crore in FY 22.
On March 31, 2023, the airline’s net worth was negative Rs 3,231.6 crore. The airline is battling multiple court cases regarding claims of payments from claimants including its earlier promoter Kalanithi Maran and has been trying to raise funds for many months now. The Supreme Court had last month directed it to Rs 380 crore to Maran.