PUNE: SpiceJet has announced the launch of eight new daily direct flights to Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh. The city, which was bagged by SpiceJet under UDAN III, will be the airline’s 11th destination under the regional connectivity scheme, airline officials said.
In addition to the eight new flights to Gwalior, SpiceJet has also announced four new daily flights connecting Bhopal including the Bhopal-Udaipur UDAN flight.
“Gwalior will be SpiceJet’s 52nd domestic destination. SpiceJet will be the first airline to offer daily direct flights on the Gwalior-Hyderabad-Gwalior, Gwalior-Jammu-Gwalior, Gwalior-Bengaluru-Gwalior and Gwalior-Kolkata-Gwalior sectors,” an official said.