In wake of the traffic block between Kiratpur Sahib and Nangal Dam railway stations on the Sirhind-Daulatpur Chowk section, many trains in the Ferozepur and Ambala railway divisions will remain temporarily short-terminated for three weeks, said a spokesman of the Northern Railways.
The 04593 Ambala Cantonment-Amb Andaura (Himachal Pradesh) Special JCO will be short-terminated at Bharatgarh in Ropar district from March 11 to March 27. The 04594 Amb Andaura-Ambala Cantonment Special JCO will short originate from Bharatgarh from March 11 to March 27. The 04593/04594 will remain partially cancelled between Amb Andaura-Bharatgarh. The 04567 Ambala Cantonment-Nangal Dam Special JCO will also be short-terminated at Bharatgarh from March 11 to March 27.