State Secretary of CPI (M) Ghulam Nabi Malik Friday said that the decision of Jammu and Kashmir administration to restrict plying of civilian vehicles on the 97-km stretch from Qazigund to Nashri on the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway and suspension of train services on Banihal-Qazigund rail section from 10 am to 3 pm for 46 days during the Amarnathji Yatra is set to lead to massive socio-economic problems in the landlocked Kashmir.
“It will not only affect the local people immensely but tourists as well, who are visiting Kashmir these days, albeit in less numbers. The ban will make a huge impact on transporters, students, teachers, patients, schools, tourists and traders as well and as such the government must review this decision,” Malik said in a statement.
He said transport is the engine of growth and highway is its lifeline when it is choked people will face the shortage of goods which we import from different parts of the country. Shortage of goods will lead to a hike in prices and ultimately it will lead to the crisis.