To enhance the capabilities of Zila Parishads (ZPs), Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday said that the responsibility for the repair of link roads in six additional districts —Sonipat, Kaithal, Mahendergarh, Rohtak, Jhajjar, and Rewari — will be transferred to Zila Parishads by the end of this year. Previously, this responsibility was overseen by the Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board (HSAMB).
Earlier, the link road repair responsibility had been transferred from HSAMB to Zila Parishads in five districts — Yamunangar, Karnal, Palwal, Bhiwani, and Fatehabad — with the process of repair work already underway. With the addition of these six districts, ZPs will be responsible for road repair in a total of 11 districts.