THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Even after partial lifting of the lockdown, PWD authorities are unable to restart construction and tarring of crucial corridors in the capital city. Around 10 road projects worth `20 crore have been hit hard by the lockdown. With monsoon fast approaching, PWD authorities have landed in a fix and are apprehensive about completing the work by the end of May.
According to officials, though the state government has given the nod for reopening crusher units and construction activities, the district administration is yet to give clearance for the transportation of materials. A senior official with the PWD said that the lockdown has come as a huge blow to road works which were fast progressing. “We had to leave many projects halfway following the lockdown. All of them were major BM&BC (Bitumen Macadam and Bitumen Concrete) road projects. We are yet to lay the top layer for some roads but are hoping to resume work this week,” said the official. However, mobilising workforce is going to be a challenging task.