Punjab Public Works Department Minister Vijay Inder Singla, on Sunday, said that the State Government is going to initiate upgradation of 12 major projects to improve road connectivity in the State under Central Road and Infrastructure Fund (CRIF).
“These projects would cost around Rs 211.22 crore which includes improvement of major district roads, other district roads and construction of new bridges,” said Singla adding that following the Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh’s directions, the Department officials have been asked to complete the projects within estimated time limits and the quality of work would also be ensured for the optimum use of public money.
Divulging details, Singla said that improvement of 23.74 km-long Amritsar-Chogawan-Ranian road stretch will be done with the cost of Rs 27.08 crore, while 40.47 kms long stretch of Gurdaspur-Shri Hargobindpur road will also be strengthened with the cost of Rs 18.57 crore.