Shares of Power Finance Corporation Ltd. fell 3.67 per cent to Rs 105.1 in Monday’s trade as of 12:41PM (IST) even as the benchmark Nifty ruled at 14272.70, down 345.15 points.
The scrip had closed at Rs 109.1 in the previous session. The stock quoted a 52-week low of Rs 74.2 and a high of Rs 140.5. The company quoted a market-cap of Rs 27760.46 crore on the BSE.
On BSE, 93,162 shares have changed hands on the counter so far. At its prevailing price, the stock traded at 2.99 times its trailing 12-month EPS of Rs 35.21 per share and 0.49 times its book value. The return on equity (ROE) stood at Rs 14.41.