Prime Minister Narendra Modi will dedicate and lay foundation stone of various green energy projects of NTPC worth over ₹5,200 crore today. He will also launch power sector’s revamped distribution sector scheme and inaugurate floating solar projects in Telangana and Kerala via video conferencing. The revamped distribution sector scheme will help improve the operational efficiencies and financial sustainability of the DISCOMs and power departments, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a release.
“With an outlay of over Rs. 3 lakh crore over a period of five years from FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26, the scheme aims to provide financial assistance to DISCOMs for modernization and strengthening of distribution infrastructure, focussing on improvement of the reliability and quality of supply to end consumers,” the release said.
The 100 MW Ramagundam project in Telangana is India’s largest floating solar PV project with 4.5 lakh ‘Made in India’ solar PV modules while the 92MW Kayamkulam project in Kerala is the second largest floating solar PV project consisting of 3 lakh ‘Made in India’ solar PV panels floating on water.