Srinagar July 22: Amid intermittent shooting stones, the Jammu-Srinagar highway remained open for one-way traffic on Friday with stranded vehicles and Amarnath Yatris being allowed towards Kashmir, officials said.
An official said that no fresh batch of Amarnath yatra will be allowed from Jammu today in view of inclement weather. However the stranded Yatris at Chanderkoot Yatra niwas will be allowed to move towards Kashmir, he said.
“Jammu -Srinagar NHW single way road clear at Mehad, Ramban amid intermittent shooting stones, stranded vehicles and yatra conyoys will be cleared 1st & Mughal road through. However, SSG (Srinagar-Sonmarg-Gumri) road closed in view of maintenance and repair, ” a Traffic Police official said.