PUNE: The Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) has filed a police complaint against a deputy engineer of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) for holding two female technicians hostage for disconnecting his power supply over unpaid bills. However, the deputy engineer has denied all charges, and accused the MSEDCL employees of mental harassment.
According to the police complaint, two female technicians of the Deccan sub-division of MSEDCL, Karuna Adhari and Rupali Kutte, were discharging their duty of disconnecting the power supply of defaulters at Prabhat Road on Wednesday at around 3.15 pm. While carrying out their duty, the technicians found an outstanding of ₹5,206 against Lalit Bode, a deputy engineer of the PMC; and his wife, Aarti Bode – both residents of Saraswati Apartment.