New Delhi: Smart Power India (SPI), a subsidiary of the Rockefeller Foundation today released the second edition of its survey titled ‘Impact of Post COVID-19 Lockdown’. The survey was conducted in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar with a sample size of 358 consisting of households (29%), shops (43%) and rural enterprises (28%) from 15 April 2020 to 20 May 2020. The survey analyzes the impact of post COVID-19 lockdown in the mini-grid villages and takes into consideration the overall perception around the stimulus package, availability of livelihood options, and the economic fallout of the lockdown on various mini-grid consumer segments.
Commenting on the second edition of the consumer survey, Jaideep Mukherji, CEO, Smart Power India, said, “Economic activities have continued to witness major drop in the mini-grid villages despite relaxations in lockdown guidelines. However, direct Government interventions in the form of the stimulus package, special support for small businesses and the distribution of free food grains have provided the much-needed relief to the people. But in order to ensure long-term sustainable development for rural India, basic amenities such reliable power, world class healthcare services and state-of the art infrastructure must be provided in the restoration process post COVID-19.”