Kasaragod-Thiruvananthapuram Vande Bharat Express: Kerala is all set to get its second Vande Bharat Express train, and this time it will be orange in color. The first Orange-gray Vande Bharat Express rolled out by ICF Chennai last month will be flagged off by PM Modi on September 24 along with 8 other Vande Bharat services. According to ICF GM BG Mallya, the train’s color has been inspired from the saffron in the national flag.
The new Orange Vande Bharat on the Kasaragod-Thiruvananthapuram route in Kerala will be the second train on this route under the Southern Railway zone, but instead of Kotayam it will go through Alappuzha. According to Indian Railways, a second Vande Bharat on the Kasaragod-Thiruvananthapuram route has been introduced due to high occupancy on first train which is above 170% since its launch. The Vande Bharat Express, a semi-high speed train with 160 kmph potential, is an all air-conditioned chair car train service.