Kalpataru Projects International Limited (KPIL) on Monday said it has bagged new orders worth Rs 2,217 crore in the domestic and international markets. While its T&D (transmission and distribution) business has bagged contracts worth Rs 1,993 crore in India and overseas markets, the company’s B&F (building and factories segment) has received Rs 224 crore new orders in the domestic market, KPIL said in a regulatory filing.
Manish Mohnot, MD & CEO, KPIL, said, “we are delighted with the significant order wins, resulting in our total order inflows reaching Rs 10,616 crore in the current financial year.
“Our flagship T&D business has secured noteworthy order inflows of around Rs 5,400 crores till date in FY24, which provides good visibility for growth going forward.”