SCAI also assured the Delhi CM that it will take all precautions and adhere to the directives issued by the authorities. India’s fuel demand is likely to grow 5.5 per cent in the fiscal year beginning April 1 as economic activity picks up after devastation caused by the pandemic, government estimates showed on Tuesday.
Fuel consumption in 2022-23 is estimated to rise to 214.5 million tonnes from 203.2 million tonnes expected sales in the current fiscal year ending March 2022, according to the oil ministry’s Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC). It will cross the pre-pandemic level sales in the current fiscal. In 2019-20, India had consumed 214.1 million tonnes of petroleum products such as petrol, diesel and LPG.
Demand for petroleum products grew by 4.9 per cent in the first nine months of the current fiscal year that began in April 2021. Fuel consumption was 148.3 million tonnes in April-December 2021. India consumed 194.3 million tonnes of petroleum produced in 2020-21 – the year that saw a pandemic-related lockdown crippling economy and mobility.