Shares of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. rose 3.49 per cent to Rs 87.0 in Monday’s trade. It hit an intraday high of Rs 88.6 and low of Rs 86.9, respectively, during the day.
The stock quoted a 52-week high price of Rs 105.0 and low of Rs 71.15.
As of 12:57PM (IST), the counter saw total traded volume of 588,690 shares with a traded value of Rs 5.14 crore, according to NSE.
The stock had closed at Rs 90.15 in the previous session.
The scrip has declined -11.9 per cent in the past one month till date, while the benchmark BSE Sensex has slipped -5.23 per cent during the same period.
According to exchange data, the stock traded at a price-to-earnings (P/E) multiple of 16.54 while price-to-book ratio stood at 0.79.