NEW DELHI: Improved inter-state transmission led to a substantial reduction in loss of power supply in the country last month, according to a report.
“In April, about 83 million units (MUs) were lost due to inter-state transmission network congestion, a drastic reduction of 387 per cent over the previous month when 400 MUs were lost,” India Energy Exchange (IEX) said in a statement.
According to IEX, the average Market Clearing Price (MCP) for April 2015 was Rs 2.68 per unit, almost 5 per cent less than Rs 2.82 per unit last month.
The average area clearing price across most of the bid areas was almost same as last month. The southern states, especially Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, saw drastic reduction of 38 per cent in price.
“Increase in generation capacity within the region, along with reduction in demand due to rainfall, were key reasons for reduction in price of power,” the statement said.
On volume, the daily average trade was almost 82 MUs, about 12 per cent increase over March 2015.
The increase in volume can be attributed to increase in demand, especially across northern and southern states and easing of congestion on the inter-state transmission network due to more offset of demand by supply within regions.