Come December 1, all toll payments on national highways will be done only through Fastags. This means that all vehicles, commercial as well as private, will complusorily need to have Fastags to pass through toll plazas across national and state highways. The initiative is aimed to help reduce bottlenecks on these highways across the country. National Highway Authourity of India (NHAI) and ministry of road transport and highways have already implemented Fastag payment option on toll payments across the country, but right now there is also the option to pay toll via cash. This is set to change starting December 1.
As for those who still not clear about what it is all about and meant for, Fastag is affixed on windscreen of a vehicle which enables automatic deduction of toll charges and allows one to pass through toll plazas without stopping.
Fastag is currently available at both online and offline point-of-sale locations setup by India Highways Management Company Limited (IHML), NHAI and several banks across the country. Here’s where you can buy Fastag online.