An Expert lecture on ‘Renewable Energy Conversion’ was organised by the electrical engineering department in Medi-Caps University. Expert was Ex-Professor and Dean (Admin & Academic) of MANIT, Bhopal and Ex-Group Director of SVCE, Indore RB Ghodgaonkar addressed the audience about the different issues and challenges related to the Renewable Energy Conversion technique and processes.
The programme started with warm welcome of the expert with Tulsi sapling. Rajesh Arya HOD of the electrical department welcomed the expert. Then Assistant Prof. Sanjiv Kumar Jain introduced the expert to the audience.
Emphasising about the significance of generation of green electrical energy, expert Prof Ghodgaonkar explained the audience about the different renewable and non-conventional sources of energy. He stated that solar and wind energy resources are gaining more and more popularity in all the countries of the world due to their clean and efficient operations.