India’s domestic crude oil production during November 2019 stood at 2.61 million tonne. This is 5.98 per cent lower than the crude oil production reported in November 2018. Natural Gas production also reported a decline of 6.16 per cent from November 2018 levels, falling to 2563.41 million standard cubic meters (mscm) during November 2019.
On the contrary, refinery output during November 2019 rose to 21.9 million tonne, up by 3.75 per cent from November 2018. A fall in domestic production and rise in refinery output means that more dependence on imports for meeting demand.
Crude oil production by ONGC during November 2019 stood at 1.67 million tonne, 1.89 per cent lower compared with the production during November 2018. The fall in production was attributed to sub-sea leakages, water cut, power shut downs and electrical faults and a decline in pressure across fields.