NEW DELHI: SpiceJet on Monday approved allotting 4.8 crore shares to nine aircraft lessors to reduce its dues by Rs 231 crore. The shares will be allotted at Rs 48 apiece — a premium of 54% over Monday closing price of Rs 31.12 on BSE. The cash-strapped airline has earlier also given equity to aircraft lessors in wake of mounting dues.
The airline’s board on Monday also approved allotting 3.4 crore equity shares and 13.1 crore warrants at an issue price of Rs 29.84 each to promoter Ajay Singh’s group Spice Healthcare Pvt Ltd.
The airline has been struggling to survive as it faces multiple insolvency pleas and court cases from unpaid stakeholders, including former promoter Kalanithi Maran who has to be paid Rs 380 crore as per a Supreme Court ruling this July.