One of the mega-projects which will be in prime focus for the newly elected central government will be the upcoming Jewar International Airport. Land acquisition at a cost of Rs 600 crore has already started for the prime infrastructure project which will give the National Capital Region its second international airport. The airport itself is likely to be completed by 2023 and will have the distinction of being the country’s largest airport in terms of surface area and could serve up to 6 million passengers a year in the very first phase.
This number, which is expected to go up to 10 million by 2029-30 and then to 100 million by 2050, will be very important in solving the transportation needs of Delhi NCR and nearby districts. While one study estimates that Delhi will become the most populous city in the world over the next ten years, another study claims that India’s aviation market will become the world’s third largest by 2024.