Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday alleged that the Congress played with India’s security for “petty gains” and the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the review petitions on the Rafale jet deal has exposed the opposition party’s “lies”.
The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected pleas for a review of its December 2018 verdict in which it had said there was no occasion to doubt the decision-making process in the controversial deal.
The Congress party had carried out an aggressive campaign alleging corruption in the multi-billion-dollar deal to buy 36 Rafale fighter aircraft from France before the 2019 Lok Sabha election.
“The Supreme court decision to dismiss the review petitions on Rafale has brought the lies of Congress party in front of the world. It is an example of how Congress played with the security of country for political selfishness and petty gains,” Adityanath told reporters in Gorakhpur.