NEW DELHI: State-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) on Friday said it has crossed the annual coal production target of 700 million tonne (MT) in 2022-23. As of Thursday, March 30, the company produced 700.4 MT of coal, up 13 per cent over 619.8 MT on the same date a year ago, the miner said in a statement.
“The CIL has breached its challenging production target of 700 MT one day ahead of FY23 closure. The CIL is likely to end FY23 with 703.6 MT output going by the current rate of production. It produced 622.6 MTs in the previous fiscal year,” it added.
The stiff target of 700 MTs was a challenging task but all our subsidiaries went the extra mile to chip in their best, the statement noted.