Chennai-Bengaluru Expressway: Modi government accelerates highway development in India further! In her Union Budget speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that work on the Chennai-Bengaluru expressway will start soon. As part of the Narendra Modi government’s ambitious plan of building a network of “world-class expressways”, the Chennai- Bengaluru Expressway worth Rs 20,000 crore will be built. The Chennai-Bengaluru expressway will be 262 km long.
Chennai-Bengaluru expressway is a green-field alignment project with a proposed closed toll system. There are two roads that presently connect the capitals of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. One is through Hoskote (Bangalore)-AP then to Chennai and the second is through Electronic City (Bangalore) Hosur in Tamil Nadu and then to Chennai. The alignment of the proposed Chennai-Bengaluru expressway will be passing in between these two connecting roads. The processes of getting environment clearances and other pre-construction activities have been initiated and are under progress. The land acquisition for the Chennai-Bengaluru Expressway has been completed.