No lights, big city: Power outage KOs Broadway, Times Square

A power outage crippled the tourist-filled heart of Manhattan just as Saturday night Broadway shows were set to go on, sending theater-goers spilling into siren-filled streets, knocking out Times Square’s towering electronic screens and bringing subway lines to a near halt. Electricity was restored to customers and businesses in midtown Manhattan and the Upper West […]

Power plays hard to get

Consumers of Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd’s (JBVNL) Jamshedpur circle are suffering because of the discom’s work culture. Under the Mango division of JBVNL’s Jamshedpur circle, over 530 residents are running from pillar to post to get a new connection, while commercial and industrial consumers are not being provided with monthly bills in the Adityapur […]