The Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday approved the doubling of the Nimach-Ratlam railway line at a total estimated cost of Rs 1,095.88 crore, Union Minister Anurag Thakur announced.
Briefing the media on the key decisions taken by the Cabinet, Thakur said that the doubling of Nimach-Ratlam and Rajkot-Kanalus railway lines will benefit passengers as well as the entire industrial belt.
Here’s are the key cabinet decisions:
1. Cabinet approves doubling of Nimach-Ratlam and Rajkot-Kanalus railway line
– The Cabinet approved the doubling of the Nimach-Ratlam railway line at a total estimated cost of Rs 1,095.88 crore: Union Minister Anurag Thakur announced.