Chennai: PMK president Anbumani Ramdoss has called for an investigation into the ‘injustice done to the people who gave land’ to the NLC project. He said that the NLC on its website had said that it had given jobs to 862 people between 1990 and 2012, who had given land to the project. But 28 people who were given jobs between 2010 and 2012 were north-Indians.
“When no land was owned by north Indians in Cuddalore district, from where was land acquired for the NLC project? How could they have given land?” he asked.
Anbumani said the Union minister for coal and mines in India, Prahalad Joshi, had told him that 1,827 persons had been given jobs by NLC, when he raised the question in Parliament on Dec 12, 2022.