Indian Railways is undergoing a transformation with plans to revamp more than 550 railway stations across 27 states and 300 districts. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 26 unveiled 2,000 rail infrastructure projects worth about Rs 41,000 crore under Amrit Bharat Station Scheme. “Amrit Bharat Station will introduce the specialities of that city to the world,” said the Prime Minister. These stations will prioritise accessibility for Divyang and senior citizens.
PM Modi informed that the design of Baleshwar Station in Odisha draws inspiration from the Bhagwan Jagannath Temple, while Sikkim’s Rangpur station reflects local architecture. Sangner station in Rajasthan showcases 16th-century hand-block printing, the Kumbakonam station in Tamil Nadu reflects Chola influence, and Ahmedabad Station takes inspiration from Modhera Surya Mandir.