PUNE: Akasa Air recently announced its entry into Uttar Pradesh with the addition of Lucknow as the eleventh destination to join the airline’s fast-growing network. The airline will be offering daily flights on the Lucknow-Bengaluru route and Lucknow-Mumbai route, starting from December 25.
In line with its vision of establishing a strong pan-India presence focusing on the metro to tier 2 and 3 route connectivity, the airline is also enhancing connectivity between Bengaluru and Kochi by adding a third daily frequency on the route starting December 29. With this development, the airline will operate 26 daily flight departures from Bengaluru.
Commenting on the announcement, Praveen Iyer, Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer, Akasa Air, said, “As India’s fastest growing airline we are pleased to launch our 11th destination Lucknow with daily flights connecting Lucknow-Bengaluru and Lucknow-Mumbai starting December 25, 2022.