Mumbai: The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has busted a gold smuggling racket and arrested six persons, including an IndiGo employee and two gold melters from Kalbadevi. The officials seized 7.5kg of gold dust, cash and silver coins with a total value of Rs 4.51 crore.
The accused have been identified as IndiGo employee Umer Moin Shaikh (26), Zameer Gani Tambe (23), Yaser Dafedar (27), Mohit Basantlal Lotwani and gold melters Armratlal alias Lakshman (54) and his son Kishore Lakshman (29). The officials said that the gang has been smuggling gold into India and, in return, sending foreign exchange to Dubai.
DRI officials on Saturday received a specific intelligence input that a passenger arriving from Dubai would be smuggling gold and leaving it under a particular seat of the aircraft.