Air India Express offers 30 kg free baggage allowance

DUBAI: Air India Express, the low-cost subsidiary of India’s national carrier, is now offering 30 kg free baggage allowance on all its flights from Gulf and the Middle East to India up to May 31.

According to Air India, all passengers will be eligible for 30 kg Free Baggage Allowance (FBA) irrespective of the ticketing date.

For the United Arab Emirates, passengers can also opt for additional 10 kg over 30 kg FBA by paying 100 Arab Emirates Dirham (USD 27) from any Air India Express offices across the UAE, or by paying 150 AED from the airport at the time of departure.

This facility, however, is subject to the availability of load, the airline said.

Additional 10 kg FBA can be similarly availed at other stations in the region.

Passengers who have already paid for additional 10 kg of baggage will now be allowed to carry 10 kg over 30 kg FBA, making it a total of 40 kg.