Soon Kanpur Airport will be able to serve more than 300 passengers at peak hours and a host of facilities such as eight check-in counters, and conveyor belts for the arriving passengers, the Airports Authority of India said. The Uttar Pradesh airport has been undergoing development under the Centre’s civil enclave project at an estimated investment of Rs 143.6 crores and is expected to be complete by the end of this year, an official release by AAI said.
The project will also include a new terminal building. The airport apron is being designed to park as many as three A-321 types of aircraft, the statement said. The terminal building will have a parking area for 150 cars. It will be built with Four-Star GRIHA-energy efficient technology. The airport will provide more options for flyers who are looking to travel to various tier-II cities of India under the RITES-UDAN scheme.