Where is the Sports Infra in 'Sports City'

CA7 CA8 CA3 CA12 CA1 C, CA2, CA4, CA6, CA11, CA12 Sports City Scam www.infralive.com 53 Infra LIVE July 15, 2022 was inc luded in Par t -C. Further, on the requests of L I PL , No i d a Au t h o r i t y a l l owed s eve r a l f ur t he r divisions making the existing demarcation irrelevant. As it stands now, Part-C plot is divided into eleven sub-plots (C, C-A1 to C-A12) see table Part-C. LIPL retained only the un i t ' C-A3 & C-A9 ' and transferred / sub leased the remaining area to other companies in a manner not considered normal transac- tions. The details / status of all these sub-plots are given below. ATS Kingstan Heath & ATS Pris- tineGolf Villas Celerity Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (Inc 2.1.2014) These clusters of six plots connect- ing each other, measure 129,702 sqm. During March 2014 to September 2015, LIPL sub-leased these sub-plots on different dates to its newly created wholly owned subsidiary Celerity Infrastructure Pvt Ltd. The company was incorporated by – Shakti Nath (0.01 pc) and Logix Infradevelopers Pvt Ltd (LIPL99.99 pc). Initially, Plot No. SC-01/C-A11 C, C-A2, C-A4, C-A6, C-A11, C-A12. measuring 22,401 sqm was sub- leased to Celerity in June 2014; fol- lowed by sub-lease of Plot Nos. SC-01/ C, C-A2, C-A4, C-A6 measuring 52,000 sqm in April 2015; and Plot No. SC-01/C-A12 measuring 55,301 sqm in September 2015. Celerity launched the project ATS Pristine Golf Villas Phase 1 in January 2016 and ATS KingstanHeath in April 2021 on these clusters of sub-plots. In pursuance to the JV agreement dated July 28, 2015 between Logix Group and ATS Group, on March 19, 2016, 50 per cent shares of Celerity were transferred to STG Softek Pvt Ltd. Further, on July 4, 2018 LIPL handed over the remaining 50 per