Where is the Sports Infra in 'Sports City'
Sports City Scam www.infralive.com 34 Infra LIVE July 15, 2022 A1. Assertive Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (Inc 6.11.2012) Shareholders 6.11.2012 31.3.2015 to 31.3.2021 Class Mr Vikram Nath 5,000 - Mr Devandra Saxena ^, Pitampura, Delhi 5,000 - Mr Shakti Nath - 10 A # Logix Builders & Promoters Pvt Ltd - 8,990 A # ATS Housing Pvt Ltd - 1,000 B * Total 10,000 10,000 # Class-A shares have one voting each, ie Total 0.10% * Class-B shares have total 891,000 voting rights; i.e. Total 99%; Approved by Assertive's Board on 25.2.2014; Regd office of Assertive shifted from Logix to ATS on 16.4.2014 ^ Mr Saxena resigned as director on 21.5.2014 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 with effect from February 24, 2014 ie date of agreement with ATS Housing. Under the agreement, the post of the chairman of the board along with another director and full powers to deal with major/ reserve items were given to ATS Housing. LBPPL was allowed to have two directors only, though they had 90 per cent shares in the company. As a result, the full control of AIPL along with the plot of land was handed over to ATS, though on record of the Noida Authority, AIPL continued to be the owner of the land. On September 15, 2015, No i da Au t ho r i t y i s sued t he sanctioned plan in favour of AIPL which is one and half year after the has been registered with the registrar as required under clause A of the Agreement for Sale stipu- lated under UP Real Estate (Regu- lation and Development) (Agree- ment for sale/Lease) Rules 2018. Further, a copy of the said agree- ment has not been disclosed and uploaded on the website of UP RERA InfraLive found that after the auditors of C&AG of India started audit (2018) of the office of the Noida Authority for the first time since its establishment in 1976, LBPPL rushed to register this project. Golf Pristine Phase-II (aka ATSPristine) Assertive Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (Inc 6.11.2012) This plot measures 93,072 sqm. On April 9, 2013, LBPPL sub- leased this plot to its own group company - Assertive Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (AIPL). The company was incorporated by two individuals – VikramNath and Devandra Saxena having 50per cent equity each. In February 2014, Logix created two classes of shares – Class-A and Class-B. InfraLive found that on February 24, 2014 AIPL executed a pur chas e cum sha r eho l d i ng agreement with ATS Housing Pvt Ltd. Logix group allotted 1,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each to ATS Housing Pvt Ltd of Class-B, and 9,000 Class-A equity shares to itself. It was also decided that every Class-A share will have one vote, while all Class-B shares put together will have a total of 891,000 voting rights. As a result, though Logix group seemed to have 90 per cent shares of the company, but it had just 0.01 per cent voting rights. On the other hand, with just 10 per cent shares, ATS got 99.99 per cent voting power (see table- A1). It was therefore evident that under section 2(87) of the Compa- nies Act 2013, AIPL was no longer the subsidiary of Logix Builders A1. A
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