Part-2: Where is the Sports Infra in 'Sports City'
Part-2: Sports City Scam 32 InfraLIVE November 15, 2022 sqm with itself and transferred remaining seven plots of 146,500 sqm to different individuals/ com- panies (SC-01/C1 to C8 except C3) as shown in table-3 at pg 30-31. TCGDPL had launched a plotted project namely Lotus Yardscape Phase-1 in 2015. An inspection done by UP RERA in 2019 found very little progress in the project. In the sanctioned plan of the project, the Noida Authority had provided that almost all sports infrastructure required to be completed in the Sport City Plot SC-01/78 & 79 were assigned to the SPC (TCGDPL) to be completed in the sub plot SC- 01/C1. As a result, the SPC was required to spend a minimum expenditure of Rs 340 crore on the sport infra in their plot. However, not a single sports infra project has been completed by the SPC till date. No i da Au thor i t y had a l so approved the plan for development of multi-purpose playfield in the sub-plot of Arena Superstructures at a cost of Rs 10 crores. TCGDPL was required to develop all other sports infrastructure including 9- Hole Golf Course etc at a cost of Rs 400 crore (see table-4 below). TCGDPL is under CIRP/IBC since 2019. As a result, the plot of 215,000 sqm with the company in sector 79 and 101 was lying in legal dispute for the last three years. Its AGM was last held on September 30, 2019 and as per records from MCA, its balance sheet was last filed as onMarch 31, 2019. Kindle Developers Pvt Ltd (KDPL) was incorporated on March 10, 2011. Its authorized share capital is Rs 5 crore but its paid-up capital is only Rs 100,000. KDPL was allotted sub-plot of 100,000 sqm in October 2011. The company retained 40,000 sqm to launch a residential project Lords and sub-divided the remaining 60,000 sqm among three other subsidiaries companies namely Golfgreen Residency Pvt Ltd (10,000 sqm), Golfgreen Estates P v t L t d ( 2 5 , 000 s qm) a n d Golfgreen Mansions Pvt Ltd (25,000 sqm). The ownership of these companies was transferred/ sold to third parties in 2015-16. KDPL is under CIRP/IBC since 2018 and its AGM was last held on September 30, 2014 and as per records from MCA, its balance sheet was last filed as on March 31, ership of PSPL to Sara Buildcon Pvt Ltd and Sikka Promoters Pvt Ltd in January 2015. PSPL has launched the residential project Sikka KimantaraGreens in 2015. SBPL's AGM was last held on December 30, 2020 and as per records from MCA, its balance sheet was last filed as on March 31, 2020. Sequel Building Concepts Pvt Ltd (SBCPL) was incorporated on March 10, 2011. Its authorized share capital is Rs 100,000 and its paid-up capital is Rs 100,000. SBCPL was allotted a sub-plot of 48,000 sqm in October 2011. The company retained the sub-plot of 24,000 sqm and transferred the r e ma i n i n g 2 4 , 0 0 0 s qm t o Go l f gr een Bu i l dcon Pv t Ltd (GBPL). GBPL has launched the residential project Hilston Phase 1 &2. GBPLwas initially handed over to the SPC (TCGDPL) which in turn sold/ transferred the ownership of the company to third parties in 2015-16. Three C Green Developers Pvt Ltd (TCGDPL) was incorporated on December 30, 2010. Its autho- rized share capital is Rs 5 crore but its paid-up capital is Rs 100,000. The company was promoted by Three C Universal Developers Pvt Ltd (TCUPL) in the initial period of its existence up to October 10, 2011 when its share was transferred among XEPL 62.5 pc, XIPL 9.5 pc, Meriton Infratech Pvt Ltd 18.5 pc and Sutlej Agro Product Pvt Ltd 9.5 pc. The share of Sutlej Agro Prod- ucts was however taken over by TCUPL in February 2012. The shares of Meritone and TCUPL were also transferred to XEPL in 2014 to increase its share to 90.5 pc in TCGDPL. Thereafter, the shares were redistributed among XEPL and XIPL in the ratio 75:25. TCGDPL was designated as a SPC of the consortium and was allotted sub-plot No. SC-01/C of 312,000 sqm. The company thereafter further divided sub-plot into eight parts and kept one sub-plot of 166,459 Table-4: Sports Facilities Subsidiaries Min. amount to be spent (Rs cr) Three C Green Developers Pvt Ltd (SC-01/C1) Golf Course (9-Hole) 40 Tennis Centre 35 Swimming Centre 50 Pro-shops/ Food and Beverage 30 IT centre / Administration / Media centre 65 Indoor multipurpose hall, sports hall including Gymnastic, table tennis, Squash, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Rock climbing 30 Cricket Academy 50 Internal roads & parks 25 Arena Superstructure Pvt Ltd (SC-01/A2) Multipurpose playfield 10 Xanadu Infratech Pvt Ltd (SC-01, Sec 78) Hospital, senior living, medicine centre 60 All Circulation space, carpeting, utilities, etc 15
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