Farm Houses in Noida

Farm Houses in Noida 24 InfraLIVE September 15, 2022 under OES 2010. The list of available plots for allotment was to be displayed on the notice board of NOIDA at its administra- tive office and on the website. The number of plots could increase or decrease depending on availabil- ity of land. NOIDA reserved the right to withdraw any plot from the allotment process at any time without assigning any reason. NOIDA was to ensure the avail- ability of plots and if due to unavoidable circumstances the possession of plot was not handed over to the allottee, the full amount deposited by the allottee would be refunded. However, no interest on the deposits would be payable to the allottee. 5. As per the application form, registration/ earnest money was Rs 35 lacs and an additional 20 per cent of total premium of the plot's value was to be deposited within 30 days from the date of issuance of the allotment letter. 6. The allottee/ lessee had to commence construction within six months of taking over the possession of the plot. The allottee/ lessee should complete construction equivalent to at least the prescribed minimum percent- age of the maximum permissible covered area and obtain “func- tional certificate” from NOIDA within three years from the date of handing over of actual possession of the plot by NOIDA. The allottee/ lessee can transfer the whole plot with prior permission of NOIDA, subject to the condi- tion that the plot is declared functional and is to be transferred for the same use and subject to such terms and conditions, including payment of transfer charges, as decided by the lessor at the time of granting transfer p e rmi s s i on . Howe v e r , t h e condition of obtaining functional certificate before transfer was diluted vide the Board order dated February 20, 2009 which permit- ted sale and purchase of land without construction. knowledge. Nothing has been concealed and no part of it is false. I/We further declare that we have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions for allotment of farmhouse plot and do hereby abide by the same. Each page of the terms & c ond i t i on s h a s b e e n signed. I/We are aware, if allotment is obtained on the basis of false informa- tion, the NOIDA may cancel our allotment at any stage and forfeit all the depositsmade byme/us.” 2. It was obligatory for the applicant to use the plot for permissible uses only as given in the brochure. As per amendment dated August 25, 2009 no com- mercial activity viz motel, open air theatre etc was allowed. The revised permitted uses as per the scheme were one dwelling unit, staff/servant quarter, guard room, swimming pool, dairy farm- ing/poultry farms, orchards, park and playgrounds, parking facility and plant nursery. 3. The brochure provided for the 10 per cent permissible Ground Coverage (GC), Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.15, and building height of 7.50 metre. These norms were approved on December 23, 2008 by the Board of NOIDA and approval of the same was sought from GoUP. The scheme was launched on January 19, 2009 pending approval of above norms from GoUP. However, after the launch of the scheme, the maxi- mum permissible height of farm houses was increased from 7.5 to th 11 metre in the 158 Board Meeting held on January 20, nd 2009. The NOIDA Building (2 Amendment) Regulations, 2009 were issued by GoUP on February 28, 2009. 4. For allotment under OES 2008 scheme, 101 plots were initially set aside, and 56 plots 1. The applicant should have positive net worth/ surplus investible funds and the following documents duly certified by CA/ architect were required to be submitted along with the applica- tion: r Background of the promoter. r A u d i t e d a c c o u n t s a n d balance sheet of the previous three financial years, to be signed by the applicant and certified by CA on each page, if applicable. r Three years projected cash flow, depicting sources of inflows for the project, to be signed by the applicant and certified by CA on each page, if applicable. r Registration Certificate of Incorporation, Memoran- dum and Articles of Associa- tion of the company, Rules and Regu l a t i ons o f the society/ trust/ partnership/ firm, to be signed by the applicant and certified by CA on each page. r L a n d u s e p a t t e r n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n p l a n a nd schedule of implementation, to be signed by the applicant and certified by architect on each page. r Statement of sources of funds and liquidity certificate from any na t i ona l i sed bank/ scheduled bank/ bank. In case of self-financing or loan from friends/ relatives, an affidavit to this effect to be attached and all papers to be signed by the applicant/ bank and/or CAon each page. r Proposed total investment in the project. r Affidavit of the applicant certifying that all the state- ments made in the applica- tion and annexure are true and c o r r e c t a s pe r t he following format: - “I/We hereby declare that the information, submit- ted with application form, are true to the best of our Box-B: Important conditions specified in the Brochure as extracted from CAG report and High Court Orders